quinta-feira, dezembro 21, 2006

XTC - "Complicated Game"

I ask myself should I put my finger to the left, no
I ask myself should I put my finger to the right, no
I say it really doesn't matter where I put my finger
Someone else will come along and move it
And it's always been the same
It's just a complicated game

A little girl asked me should she part her hair upon the left,
A little girl asked me should she part her hair upon the right,
I said it doesn't really matter where you part your hair
Someone else will come along and move it and it's
Always been the same
It's just a complicated game

A little boy asked me should he put his vote upon the left,
A little boy asked me should he put his vote upon the right,
I say it really doesn't matter where you put your vote
Someone else will come along and move it
And it's always been the same
It's just a complicated game

They wanted Tom
They wanted Joe
To dress 'em up and stick 'em out on show
They were arrows in a very bad aim
It's just a complicated game

God asked me should he ought to put his world on the left,
God asked me should he ought to put his world on the right,
I said God, it really doesn't matter where you put your
Someone will come along and move it
And it's always been the same
It's just a complicated


Blogger Art&Tal said...

e a esta hora já foste a capela da aldeia ajudar o padre pra fazer a festança.

kof kof kof

abraços miguel

nao te engasgues com os doces

sábado, dezembro 23, 2006 4:14:00 da tarde  
Blogger JMS said...

Na minha aldeia não há padres (quase não há pessoas sequer), o natal só passa na televisão (que está sempre desligada), e os doces natalícios são quase todos vomitivos. Não corro portanto grandes riscos. Um abraço.

sábado, dezembro 23, 2006 7:55:00 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Ainda não li nem vi este "complicated game", mas aproveito para te deixar, embora não seja muito o meu estilo, um beijo de Feliz Natal! Deixei outro, parecido, no Em Cima do Muro.

Tenho saudades vossas!...


domingo, dezembro 24, 2006 5:27:00 da tarde  
Blogger Logros said...

Caro Miguel,
Isto de Ano Novo é só uma convenção quantitativa. O Tempo continua a ser velho, na mesma.

De qualquer forma envio vo tos de bons augúrios para 2007.



segunda-feira, janeiro 01, 2007 3:25:00 da manhã  

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